On it’s face, Thrown Alive’s music is a great mix of heavy riffs
with finely crafted vocal harmonies and powerful melodies.
The lyrics and music are intelligible and very relatable,
rendering audiences all over Florida screaming for more and
smiling like school kids. The bottom line is that Thrown
Alive offers an enjoyable array of song style, first-rate
musicianship and a message that commands making the
choice to live.... MORE |
In addition to musically substantial depth and soul, not veiled in the least,
is Thrown Alive’s message; that hope and inner-peace are only a choice
away through spirituality and doing the “next right thing”. Those familiar
with 12-Step ideology will no doubt recognize some of the lyrical
expressions as being directly based on what they might hear “in the
rooms”, but Thrown Alive stands on its own as pure, bonafide rock and
roll with no compromise necessary for those not associated with a
... MORE
As band resume’s go, Thrown Alive’s reflects a hard-working,
social consciousness with national act flavor, being called
upon to open for a series of rock greats, including Great
White, Ratt, L.A. Guns and BullettBoys. Thrown Alive has also
been featured on local television news and several 12 Step
related radio programs. We have been the official “house
band” for thePrescription Addiction Radio Show for over a
... MORE |